- It is easier to remove a ruby from the head of a rattlesnake than it is to get anywhere with Vajrayana. (Via @TENPARINPOCHE ) #
- Veggie Breakfast at the Goldfish Bowl Bakery… Yum… http://twitpic.com/1p8bu3 #
- Evicted from my sunny office… oh well… it was only ever meant to be temporary… they say a change is as good as a holiday… #
- "Mengstupiditis: Funny Thought: Product ideas of the day" http://j.mp/95dQjy #
- "Tony Robbins, Sergey Brin Become Robots – The Telepresence Revolution – Telepresence Options" http://j.mp/cIBGF2 #
- Steam for Mac has been released and Portal is free until May 24th http://store.steampowered.com/freeportal/ #