- great lotus one, may I have the strength of generosity, morality, patience, energy, concentration and wisdom… om ah hung! #
- the theme music from John Adams coming from the TV in the background set a lovely pace for the White Mahakala mantras…. #
- some days I feel like Cassandra… I wonder if temple dogs licking your ears clean has the same effect… http://bit.ly/f1qchZ #
- I'm at sportUNE http://4sq.com/ifeusU #
- the demon yasi descends… http://twitpic.com/3vog93 #
- I'm at sportUNE http://4sq.com/gvB5SE #
- …and I feel fine #
- I'm at Armidale http://4sq.com/i3qGK8 #
- I just ousted Greg S. as the mayor of Armidale on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/amcTaX #
- it seems to me that most people can only really relate to their own limited experience… so few choose to think outside the box… #
- this is the image they keep showing behind the TC Yasi press briefings… MTSAT IR Colorized Loop from the NOAA http://bit.ly/dtutKo #
- I'm at sportUNE [pic]: http://4sq.com/hhfKXD #
- I'm at Maccas Armidale http://4sq.com/gGjnN1 #
- I just ousted Greg S. as the mayor of Maccas Armidale on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/bzeEbo #
- Why do people keep asking if I'm bored on my long service leave? Don't they have a life outside work? Only boring people get bored… #
- I just unlocked the "Gym Rat" badge on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/e1cc5E #
- I'm at sportUNE [pic]: http://4sq.com/egf6hR #
- "They started out beneath the knowledge tree, then they chopped it down to make white picket fences…" — REgina SPEKTor #